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Bijschrift "Sukarno meets "Rebels". Indonesian President dr.

Jakarta, 24 september 1957

Bijschrift "Sukarno meets "Rebels". Indonesian President dr. Sukarno and former vice-president Mohammad Hatta met bril, niet zichbaar op scan, red. greet army officers from outlying provinces at a National Conference session here. Raising hand in salute is lieutenant-colonel Ahmad Husein, leader of Central Sumatra's Rebellious Banteng Council. Shaking hands with the president is lt.col. Pieters of East Indonesia. On the extreme right is lt. col. E. Dachjar, Djakarta city commander, who ordered a one-day suspension of ten newspapers and three local news services during the conference". President Soekarna en vroegere vice-president Hatta begroeten enkele militaire commandanten uit de buitengewesten tijdens een nationale conferentie in Jakarta

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Fotocollectie Elsevier Binnenland
  • militairen,
  • presidenten,
  • begroetingen,
  • officieren
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Gemaakt op
24 september 1957
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